The Cosplayer Feature: J.U.D.O. Kami Cosplay [29]

The Cosplayer Feature is a series of interviews done by HappyCosplayer featuring cosplayers from around the world who would like to share their story. Cosplayers are featured both here on my blog and on my Facebook pages: HappyCosplayer, JustCosplay.

“May you be inspired by them!” -HappyCosplayer

Featured cosplayer: J.U.D.O. Kami Cosplay!

Photographer Credit: sumikofotophotography

Cosplay Page: Link | Country: USA | Gender: Male|

Happy: When did you begin cosplaying and what got you interested in the hobby?

JUDO Kami: I began my cosplaying back in 2011, it was just something simple from out of my closet. What got me interested was other cosplayers and how they’re able to make something from a video game, anime, comics, and moives into real life. It really amazed me and I wanted to join too and I been having so much fun learning new things making new cosplays it all such a wonderful experience.

Happy: What do you remember about your first day cosplaying at a convention?
JUDO Kami: Yes, hahaha. My first cosplay was Demoman from Team Fortress 2 , it was so bad! I had a du-rag an eye patch and a toy shovel. I had fun wearing it and i even went to a TF2 photoshoot during Otakon 2011.

Happy: Would you consider yourself more of a seamstress or a builder?
JUDO Kami: I am more of a builder, I make foam armors and props, I mainly make stuff from Monster Hunter series, but i plan on branching form that to other areas.

Photographer Credit: sumikofotophotography

Happy: Anyone who really inspires you?

JUDO Kami: Oh yes So many people to name but the one person I honestly inspires me the most is Kuro Dachi from Kuro Dachi Cosplay. I can’t remember how I found his page but I was amazed at his work and I’m still amazed at what he makes today! He’s a very gifted builder as well. He inspires me to do more and to do my best, I can tell you he is one of my closest friends and I am truly glad to have met him.

Happy: Have you ever-experienced harassment or bullying while cosplaying?
JUDO Kami: So far I haven’t beside my parents who wasn’t too trill of the idea of me cosplaying, but over the years they opened up to it and started to be more supportive.

Happy: Are there things you have learned through this hobby that you never would have guessed to have learned before you started cosplaying? If so what are these new skill traits?

JUDO Kami: Oh yes, I guess better planning skills and how to properly manage my time. My focus also greatly improved by making cosplays.

Happy: A lot of people get overwhelmed or ‘brunt out’ over time with this hobby called cosplaying. Have you ever felt that way, or do you feel like you ever would? What would you say to those that maybe feeling burnt out now?
JUDO Kami: I do get overwhelmed sometimes, making armor sets can really leave you drained, but when i feel like something is working or I am just not making any progress on one part I just stop take sometime away from that part and try to relax before starting on something else.

20664541_951244295000068_5104651054854069711_nHappy: What is it about cosplaying that you love?
JUDO Kami: The part I love about cosplay is seeing the reactions on people faces when you cosplay as one of their favorite characters. To see them in life is experience on it own. I really love begin able to connect with other people through cosplay meeting new friends and just having fun with it.

Happy: What is it about cosplaying you dislike?
JUDO Kami: Hmmm… I would have to say people who try to bring others down or talk down on other cosplayers. the one who causes the problems or who act they’re superior than you. Cosplay is for everyone and anyone can do what they that’s the joys of cosplaying.

Happy: Why do you cosplay? Why do you keep coming back to it?

JUDO Kami: I cosplay because I love it. Yeah that answer sucked, but really I enjoying being someone else for day being JUDO Kami a Monster Hunter not just some regular nobody. I enjoy it so much even though I’m really shy, but when I am costume it completely different, my goal is what drives me to keep cosplaying. I want to show what I’m capable of doing and I will continue to make awesome cosplays because it’s my passion.

Happy: Have you ever hurt yourself accidentally or intentionally for cosplay?

JUDO Kami: I burned my hands so many times, My hands also have carpal tunnel so it really difficult to keep sanding the foam for X amount of time before they start hurting. I also cut myself once pretty badly, make sure your blades are sharp hahaha.

Happy: Over all how would you rate the cosplay community as a whole?

JUDO Kami: I have to say very welcoming , but I really haven’t seen the whole community yet so I really can’t say much.

Happy: What are some of your favorite cosplays you have worn?

JUDO Kami: My Gloaming armor is one of my favorite and my first official Monster Hunter armor I done. Every time I look at it, it makes me happy and makes want to continue pushing myself for better things.

Photographer Credit: TheNerdyMonkeyNY

Happy: Do you have a dream cosplay you would love to do someday?

JUDO Kami: My dream cosplay hahah..I want to make a Gundam Death scythe EW (the one with the bat wings ) It so cool looking and i really want to make but at my current skillset I am not really ready to tackle something like that as of yet.

Happy: What was an amazing experience you had in cosplay that you will never forget?

JUDO Kami: Back in 2016 Otakon in Blatimore, I wore my Gloaming armor (monster hunter) and I got so much positive feedback on the armor set, people kept stopping me for pictures and it was great I never experience some thing so awesome before, seeing people getting excited to see what i have made and really enjoy it . That made me truly happy.

Happy: Has cosplaying presented you with challenges? If so what sort of challenges? Were they hard to overcome? Are you still working on overcoming them?

JUDO Kami: The challenge of balancing my normal life with my cosplay life, at first it was hard trying to adjust and make things work out, but overall it slowly working out so far. Sometimes I get real into my work and sort of shut out everything else. I honestly didn’t know why I did that, but I do now but I really don’t want to share that reason so please understand and thank you.

Happy: What is your favorite convention right now to attend?
JUDO Kami: Otakon will still be my favorite but I can’t wait to go to Katsucon for my frist time.

Happy: What is a convention you would REALLY like to attend one day and why?
JUDO Kami: Any of the Pax conventions, Blizzcon, and Comic con.

Happy: Does any one in your family cosplay? How about close friends? Did you get anyone to cosplay because you were doing it?

JUDO Kami: I have a lot of close friends cosplay, I really didn’t get anyone into cosplaying really but I would love to teach people the joys of cosplaying one day.

Happy: What are your future goals with cosplaying?

JUDO Kami: I really want to make a career out this, I love making cosplays and just
having fun, if made something extra on that’s just icing on the cake. I am not really in this for the money. I do this because it’s my passion. I want to grow and learn more about cosplaying. I want to expand my skills and continue to make wonderful things for myself and others.

You can find J.U.D.O. Kami Cosplay at the following links! Please leave some love for them via a like/follow and so on and help continue to make the cosplaying community better by encouraging and inspiring others!

Twitter: @HakimQuan

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