April Female Cosplayer Spotlight: Luna Grey

For the month of April, I am going to highlight and focus on some other powerful women in cosplay! Below is a short interview with this cosplayers, and come May I will feature Male cosplayers! Thanks for reading!

Photographer Credits: Selfie sticks are a lifesaver sometimes lol. And having a supportive husband. Other than that, I had my first professional cosplay shoot with http://www.PTPcosplay.com

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Why Do you Cosplay?

“Cosplay is the one and the only hobby that I have ever felt was meant for me. Ever since I was little I always loved dressing up, and have always had an ever-growing “dress-up” box, filled with all the greatest thrift finds and festive attire.

Homecoming week at school was my time to shine as I always participated in every dress up the event there ever was. I didn’t even know that cosplaying existed until sometime in 2017. Never have I ever been more excited about something.

This was something I truly knew I could fit in while still standing out. I love being able to exercise my creative side and hopefully soon have the courage to practice getting “into character”. Cosplay helps me to continue stepping out of my comfort zone, trying new things, and endless memories and adventures. I love getting to meet new people and see everyone else doing something that they love. ”

When you hear the words ‘Cosplay Community’ what first comes to your mind?

“I think of the most creative people I have ever seen or met. I love the fact that you can have 20 of the same character in a room, and each one is different.

The Cosplay Community is filled with people doing something that they love and getting together to be a bunch of awesomely fun nerds together. It’s a place that has room for everyone and anyone-all are welcome. ”

“Who inspires you?

“JESSICA NIGRI. And Kaybear. they both are hard working and very dedicated to what they do, while still remaining down to earth and goofy. My husband continues to always push me to be a better me and to try new things. He supports my cosplay adventures and me as a whole. I would also like to mention my friend Syd.

When I first started struggling with severe anxiety and depression, I really didn’t know how to handle it. I was confused, lost and pushed everyone away. I sunk down to places I never thought existed before. It has taken a lot of hard work and self-reflection to pull myself back up, but I also had the support of my wonderful husband and a few select friends. My friend Syd. I knew her briefly when we were younger and never talked to her much.

I saw that she was interested in cosplay and I went out of my way to talk to her, despite my antisocial tendencies at the time. She was so nice about answering my questions and invited me to come to my first convention with her (AMKE2017). Normally I would decline such an offer as I would have too much anxiety to do something like that and especially with someone I don’t know too well. She was so welcoming and down to earth, along with all of her friends. We clicked immediately and she continues to inspire me to do cosplay. ”

“Do you have any goals you wish to share?”

“I don’t really have goals to become famous, I really just want to meet as many unique individuals as I can and experience new adventures.

I love to help people and use my past life experiences to inspire people to keep moving forward and to learn to love themselves and to love their lives. ”

Check out this cosplayers Social Media links and leave some encouraging feedback!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.ramirez.94009841

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luna_grey_cosplay/?hl=en


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