Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid [Quetzalcoatl / Lucoa Wig Review]

This is a wig review I did for Amazon seller Netgo. I was asked to review this wig for them and have done so in blog and video format. To see the video review for this wig please see my YouTube Channel or the direct link to the video review HERE.

The wig was mailed to me and arrived in four days by the seller Netgo. It arrived in a small box, well packaged, and came inside a sealed bag.

Once out of the bag I did a the standard wig tests I do whenever I get a new wig, and I will rate each test on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being good and 1 not so good.


First glance [4]

At first glance in the bag I thought the wig looked thin, however I was pleasantly surprised to find this was not the case once I pulled it out.

Feel [4]

The wig is made of imported synthetic fibers and is super soft! I would put the softness up with Arda’s brand honestly. You know how you can get a wig and it might have that ‘crisp’ feel to the fibers? No? Please tell me I am not the only one! Not with this beauty! This wig is soft!



Smell [5]

Okay so I am weird, I will admit it, but I smell my wigs. Not just after wearing them, but the moment I purchase a new wig I do a small test. Sometimes when a wig is put into storage it can get a funk to it, you know that plastic like smell. And sometimes wigs will arrive and have other smells to them, like oil or perfume (yikes!). However this wig did not, and passed my smell test with a 5!

Shake test [4]IMG_20170511_154942

Other then some light de-tangling the wig held up good to my first shake test. Now obviously with any long wig you will have a tangle problem the longer you wear it and put it to use, however I am delighted to say that with a few gentle strokes with my hand through the fibers any tangles easily came undone.

Comfort [4]

One of the first wigs to NOT pinch my head! I have a big head I guess…but this wig fit comfortable and was not super hot to wear. I look forward to wearing it more which is saying something!

Overall look [5]

For the character I will use this wig for and what most of you reading this review may use it for it’s perfect! The colors are nice and bright, the wig doesn’t look all shiny like a party city wig does, and it really does suit the character.

Final rating: 4.5/5IMG_20170511_155030

If you are in need of a wig in this style/color then I recommend you purchase from this seller! Not only was the wig great, but the seller was very friendly and complimented my other cosplay photos. They also answered questions I had promptly and mailed the wig in a timely manner.

Approved and recommended by HappyCosplayer for fellow dragon cosplayers.

Thank you Netgo for allowing me to review this beautiful wig! Once I have the horns completed  I will do a private shoot and send you more photos you may feel free to use.


Have a question? Contact me on my cosplay page or via email at happycosplayer@gmail.com


The Cosplayer Feature: Knightmare Cosplay [18]

The Cosplayer Feature is a series of interviews done by HappyCosplayer featuring cosplayers from around the world who would like to share their story. Cosplayers are featured every other day both here on my blog and on my Facebook pages: HappyCosplayer, JustCosplay.

“May you be inspired by them!” -HappyCosplayer

Featured cosplayer: Knightmare Cosplay!

unnamedCosplay Page: Link | Country: USA | Gender: Male|

Happy: When did you begin cosplaying and what got you interested in the hobby?

Chris: I started cosplaying in 2015 officially. I had always wanted to cosplay, but never had the courage to that’s why all of my cosplay have had masks of some sort on them.

Happy: What do you remember about your first day cosplaying at a convention?
Chris: I remember a lot, but the best moment I had was two soldiers walked up to me in full gear and wanted a picture with me, they saw me from across the parking lot and chased me down.

unnamed (2)Happy: Is their anyone who really inspires you and why?

Chris: Not really, I’ve seen a lot of great cosplayers don’t get me wrong, but I’ve never really been inspired from them.

Happy: Have you ever-experienced harassment or bullying while cosplaying? 
Chris: No, I’m a pretty big guy so I don’t think anyone wants to say anything, plus my Knightmare suit is scary to most so that helps haha!

Happy: Are there things you have learned through this hobby that you never would have guessed to have learned before you started cosplaying? If so what are these new skill traits?

Chris: Yes, I’ve learned so much through this hobby. Some being that any electrical connections can be held by hot glue so you don’t need to have any unnecessary connectors and you can glue them in place where you need them, I’ve learned how to properly work with foam to make armor, how to style a wig, make movable wings, and wire a suit with lights. But those are just some.

Happy: A lot of people get overwhelmed or ‘brunt out’ over time with this hobby called cosplaying. Have you ever felt that way, or do you feel like you ever would? What would you say to those that maybe feeling burnt out now?
Chris: No never, I love this hobby too much, the only time I ever felt burnt out was when I was in my Knightmare suit at Phoenix Comicon and I went outside I almost killed myself because it was 115° out that day and I was in a black suit from head to toe.

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Scyther Cosplayer

Happy: What is it about cosplaying that you love?
Chris: What don’t I love about this hobby, I love planning a new cosplay, making the costume, going to conventions, meeting up with new and old friends, taking pictures (that’s my favorite), and posting about my adventures later on Facebook thanking everyone.

Happy: What is it about cosplaying you dislike?
Chris: I’d say (since I live in Arizona) the main thing is that phoenix comicon (the main Con out here) is in the summer time when it’s almost the hottest out, but that has nothing to do with actually cosplaying that’s just an event to go to.

Happy: Why do you cosplay? Why do you keep coming back to it?  

Chris: I do it for the fans, you get those people that run up to you and want to take a picture with you, whether they know who you are or not, just because they like what you are wearing and want to save that moment. It gives me joy to know that I made someone happy to meet their favorite character or that they just loved the cosplay so much that they wanted to take a picture.

Happy: Have you ever hurt yourself accidentally or intentionally for cosplay?

Chris: Oh man have I, the charizard cosplay I have has shoes that are called “geta” they are a Japanese wooden sandal (they hurt after about 4 hours) I had blisters after that day at the con. And my Knightmare suit is about 50 lbs all together with most of it being on one arm, not to mention the lack of movement in the bulky suit haha. After going to Phoenix Comicon for three days I didn’t go the fourth because I needed a recovery day before going back to the real world to work haha!

Happy: Over all how would you rate the cosplay community as a whole?      

Chris: I love the cosplay community! They have been so inviting, you will always meet people who are judgemental, (whether you are cosplaying or not) I’ve met a couple good friends at comicon and some people that are there just for the attention and don’t care about other cosplayers, I acknowledge everyone that comes up to me to talk or take pictures. 

Happy: What are some of your favorite cosplays you have worn?

Chris: Both of mine came out way better than I would have expected, so I can’t pick one (I don’t want to hurt their feelings) I made and bought things on both of my cosplays but I’ve modified everything I’ve bought for my suits so they are all my favorite.

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Photo credit: Phoenix Comicon

Happy: Do you have a dream cosplay you would love to do someday?

Chris: I would love to try and make either a working suit of iron man armor (i know over cosplayed already) or bring back a spawn cosplay.

Happy: What was an amazing experience you had in cosplay that you will never forget?

Chris: The best thing for me was meeting Oden Fehr ( Carlos Oliveira from Resident Evil) my mom my friend Lance and I were cosplaying and all got our picture with him.

Happy: Has cosplaying presented you with challenges? If so what sort of challenges? Were they hard to overcome? Are you still working on overcoming them?

Chris: I think every Cosplayer will agree with me on this when I say the only thing that has really challenged me was TIME MANAGEMENT. You think you are in good time and then you have a week left and you have to get half your cosplay together still.

Happy: What is your favorite convention right now to attend?
Chris: Phoenix Comicon.

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Photographer Credit: ChrisBreckenridgePhotography             Ash Cosplayer Credit- Link here

Happy: What is a convention you would REALLY like to attend one day and why?
Chris: San Diego Comicon, it is the biggest con that I know of, I’ve seen when people go to it and loved everything I’ve seen about it and really want to experience it for myself.

Happy: What are your future goals with cosplaying?

Chris: I want to be famous!! Haha no I’m just kidding. I really want to get out there and make people smile I love the feeling of when an adult or a kid runs up to you and says you are cosplaying as their favorite character and they would love to take a picture with you, and if I can get more recognized in the process and make more friends then that would be amazing also.

You can find Knightmare Cosplay at the following links! Please leave some love for them via a like/follow and so on and help continue to make the cosplaying community better by encouraging and inspiring others!

screen-shot-2017-02-08-at-9-14-06-amDon’t miss the next Cosplayer Feature! Get notified when the newest feature is live by Going to my Facebook page and click the ‘Like button’ Then if you click the ‘Following’ option you can select ‘See First’ and you’ll see all the Cosplayer Features first when you sign on to Facebook 🙂

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